Calls regarding RECENT sightings are welcomed by the National UFO Reporting Center Hotline at (206) 722-3000. The hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, however reports are best submitted between 8:00 a.m. and midnight (Pacific time). Sightings more than approximately one week old, as well as any requests for general information or printed materials, should be submitted in brief written form via email to or via US mail to the following address:
National UFO Reporting Center
P.O. Box 45623
University Station
Seattle, WA 98145
Past sighting reports are most useful if they include an exact date, time, and location of the sighting. Other valuable information include a description of the object(s) seen, what they were witnessed to do, how many of them were observed, what shape and color they were, how long they were observed, and any other facts the witness(es) believe were significant. The number of observers and a brief, one-sentence long description of their backgrounds are useful as well.
A photograph or video of the object is the most useful form of evidence in any sighting. Absent a photograph, an illustration of the object observed, even a simple outline drawing of its shape is very helpful. Also, a photocopy of an official map, indicating where the observers were located and what direction(s) they were looking is extremely helpful, and will permit a calculation of latitude and longitude.
The CenterÆs hotline is generally reserved for incoming UFO reports. However, brief queries may be submitted over the hotline number, and a member of our small staff may be able to answer your question.